I was out plowing the driveway today, and I took the shoes
off the plow so I could remove a layer of the packed snow. The shoes help keep
the gravel from being plowed up because they keep the blade of the plow off the
ground, but after a while the shoes must come off or the plow just scratches the
surface. While I was out I checked the mailbox, but there was nothing there – no
bills, no letters, no cards (no, there wouldn’t be on January 1st would
Soon the Christmas cards will no longer come, and I will
have to wait another year to read the news of changing careers and shedding
tears, baby carriages and children’s marriages. Another year will go by without
any written word from many of these folks who sent the cards. It’s about the
only connection we have to the fading world of letter writing, which is really
too bad considering the joy one feels when a hand-addressed envelope from
friends or family is found waiting in the mailbox.
I seem to recall that my mother displayed the Christmas cards
we received on the RCA television (but I suppose I could be talked out of this
by my sisters). My grandmother would display her cards and letters in pockets
on the branches of a large flannel Christmas tree she had made. The tree hung
on a door and quickly filled-out as the season progressed. At my home, the
cards and letters are left on the table until they are read and then they are saved.
However, the pictures are displayed for
weeks in a collage-like arrangement which is hung in the kitchen.
I recently received a couple letters from two women who
shared their thoughts with me on writing. Both of them also sent me the
Christmas letters they send out to friends and family. They have not given
their permission for me to include their names, nor have I asked for it. So I
will only refer to them as J and M. (believe me when I say J and M are not
their real names).
In her Christmas letter M wrote about how as a little girl
she was so happy to find a card in her mailbox that her aunt had sent her. Those cards she received were so special to
her that she has saved them for sixty years. She writes that she “enjoys
getting cards from family or friends no matter how much or how little is
written in them. I still love getting mail in my mailbox just like that little
girl did all those years ago.”
J has kept a daily journal for over sixty years. She tells me that she received a diary from a
neighbor lady and has written in a journal every day since. “Our lives go by so
fast, but I must write down each day regardless how mundane it may be
(according to some people)!”
I have much to learn, but I do feel we are witnessing the
death of the hand written personal letter, and other than J. I do not know
anyone who keeps a daily journal or a diary. I believe I know how to record the
mundane (according to some people), but perhaps I could step it up a bit from
once a week to a daily habit, privately, of course, as who wants to read that
every day? And there may be someone who
would appreciate getting a letter from me.
Social media, sending text messages and emails are poor
substitutes for letter writing and keeping a journal for others to read
someday. Clearly, they just scratch the surface of a lasting keepsake. Slip off
your shoes, get comfortable and hand write a letter or start a journal. It will
stick around longer than this season’s snow.
I love the written words, and I love painting them on walls with swirls and curls and artsy calligraphy style....why then, do I speed write a letter in poor penmanship....so hurried as if my hand can't keep up with my mind. sigh